


I started writing this post ages ago, but as per forgot all about it. Better late than never eh? Here's a little recap of my 2017, starting with the low points and ending on the highs. Last year was one of the best I've ever had, but no one's life is perfect and there will always be negatives - even if we choose not to show them. Luckily the good outweighed the bad in 2017, so let's begin! 



I flew back to the UK on January 13th 2017, having been away travelling for 9 months. Although I had a reception job lined up, I was very lucky when my old boss got in touch asking if I wanted a  temp job. It was a position as a writer and was better money, so obviously I jumped at the chance. Although I'm so, so grateful for the opportunity (and wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for that job), I basically spent those 3 months miserable as hell. I loved the people - don't get me wrong - but the job just wasn't for me. I've always enjoyed writing, but I didn't enjoy the process of finding the stories or the topics I was writing about. I was bored, unmotivated and couldn't wait for the working day to end. Aside from work, I was miserable at home too. It's hard for me to remember what the issues were, but my mum and I basically spent a good few months not getting along. We had to adapt to me living at home again,
which I think we both found hard. My mum was used to her routine, and I was used to my freedom. We clashed a lot, but also knew it was only circumstantial. As soon as I moved out of the parental home, we knew things would go back to normal (spoiler: they did). It was just one of those really crappy transitional periods, which I'm glad to see the back of.


I'm gonna keep this one short, simply because it was quite traumatic and I don't really want to relive it. But long story short - I went for my first ever smear test, got the results which showed I had abnormal cells, and was invited to have a Colposcopy at the hospital. The last thing you expect is any kind of abnormal result, but it's even worse when they send the letter with a ton of cervical cancer leaflets. Straight away you think ''I'm gonna be the unlucky one that gets cervical cancer", so I broke down in hysterical tears and drove home to my parents house right away (the longest 2 hour drive of my life). Luckily we were able to bring my hospital appointment forward, but that week of waiting was just awful. After the procedure, they sent a letter around 5 days later saying everything was fine and that I can continue with my regular smear tests every 3 years. Relieved is an under statement. You don't realise how important your sexual health is until something like this happens, and I sure as hell won't be taking it for granted again.


I'm a pretty confident person but, like everyone, have a tendency to feel insecure when I'm out of my comfort zone. Put me on a plane to the other side of the world and I'm fine, but put me in a competitive work environment and I'll crumble. I've never been a 'career focused' kinda gal, so can sometimes feel uncomfortable in corporate office environments. Because of this, I've always doubted my ability and end up convincing myself that I'm not good enough (something my mum always tells me off for!) It's even harder when you start your new job with another person, so feel like you're constantly being compared to someone else. Instead of believing my boss when she insisted I was a good writer (and reminded me that I beat 150 odd people to the job), I couldn't help but beat myself up for not being as good as my colleague. I spent a good couple of months feeling worried, anxious and that I wasn't going to pass my probation. I've always been a slow burner in the workplace, and it can take a while for me to build up my confidence. But when it clicks, I feel like I really come into my own. I've been in my job for 6 months now, and finally believe I'm good at what I do. I'm a bloody good writer if I say so myself, so here's to having more faith in myself in 2018!



I kicked off 2017 at Sydney Harbour Bridge - finally ticking off the number 1 thing on my bucket list. I then flew back to Melbourne, surprised all of my friends at the hostel, spent a week living in my friend's luxury apartment, and spent my birthday in her rooftop pool overlooking the CBD (followed by a beach day, surprise party and meal with my friends).


Even thinking about her reaction makes me slightly emosh. There's no better feeling than seeing your parents after 9 months away, especially when you turn up at the front door and surprise your mum. I've never seen her so shocked!!


Although I didn't enjoy the job (see above), I was SO lucky to get the position handed to me as soon as I arrived back in the UK. Not only did it allow me to save money for my America trip, it meant I had 'content writer' on my CV. It was my first foot in the door in helping me to achieve my dream of becoming a writer. If it wasn't for that position, I very much doubt I'd have secured an interview for my current job, let alone been chosen above 160 other applicants.


My America Contiki tour was one of the best - if not my favourite - trip ever. I never ended up writing about it on my blog, mainly because too much happened in the 5 weeks I was there. I'd love to go through everything day by day, but it would just take too long. All I can say is... IT WAS AMAZING. Click here to watch the vlog. Canada was a short but sweet stopover before I flew home. I stayed with my friend Emilie that I met in LA, and it was so much fun partying with her and her friends. Oh, and Niagara Falls was pretty spectacular too! And although I didn't massively rate Copenhagen as a city, I had a great time meeting up with my friends Jody and Beth for the first time since Vietnam. Three 24 year old girls singing their hearts out to High School Musical is my idea of a great mini break.


My big break! I was finally offered a content writer position with a well-known travel company - this time on merit. I think I've written a post about this before, but I really really love my job. The perks, the people, the city centre location, the snazzy building, the content I'm writing about - it's everything I've ever wanted and more.


Without mentioning all the cool stuff I did that made the second half of 2017 so great (I'm looking at you Bongo's Bingo), it's fair to say Manchester has changed my life. Since moving here in July, my social life has never been better. I've made new friends, wandered the streets like a tourist, and took advantage of everything the city has to offer. I'm surrounded by people my age - young professionals who dance on tables and do midweek tequila shots (seriously, is Albert Schloss ever NOT busy?) Living in a city that never seems to sleep is exciting, and I honestly can't imagine living anywhere else.

So there you have it, my pros and cons of 2017. Life will always throw curve balls your way, but it's how you deal with them and the choices you make that really determine how your life will pan out.
Here's to 2018!

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